Specialised coaching for Enterprise Architects



We specialise in coaching for hard and soft skills for enterprise architects and anyone who wants to learn more about working with enterprise architects.  We work with individuals and teams to tailor coaching services to suit your special learning journey.  Not everyone starts at the same point so we make sure we understand where you are on your journey so we can include opportunities to supplement our courses to enhance your learning and improve your practices.  Working with stakeholders can often be daunting so we offer to come in and facilitate difficult workshops with you so you learn how to do it yourself with support from the experts.


Personalised coaching for teams and individuals in the fields of Enterprise Architecture and IT Strategy & Management.

Practice Review

Highly knowledgeable and practising Enterprise Architecture coaches will quickly understand your practice as it is today, tailor your operating model and uplift your capability to where it needs to be to support your business the right way.

Workshop Facilitation

Using Human Centred Design Thinking methods and techniques, our coaches are skilled experts who support you to achieve your workshop objectives by co-designing and delivering innovative outcomes that focus on problem identification, ideation, prototyping and concept modelling.


A range of structured and tailored courses to build your Enterprise and Business Architecture courses with an emphasis on soft skills. Courses are delivered on demand as private classes and also offered to the public through short courses and 2 day virtual classes.

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